Toy Toggle provides a safe and effective way to keep your baby’s toys close at hand. It’s fully-adjustable to ensure it can attach to any highchair, car seat or pram and will securely hold any toy, sippy cup or snack pot.


Start with the longest strap. You’ll notice that the press studs on one side are more widely spaced. This is the side you can attach your high chair, pram, car seat, trolley or any other fixed object. Now attach the other side of the strap to the toy, teething ring or dummy.
If you need to secure a sippy cup, bottle or snack pot, attach the strap to the silicone band and then slip the band over the plastic container to secure it. .
On narrower bottles slip the silicone band around the centre of the bottle. It will still hold the bottle even if it’s slightly loose.


To extend your ToyToggle take the shorter strap and attach it to the middle press stud on the longer strap. You can use the second, shorter strap to attach a second item, such as a teeth ring, dummy, etc.
QUICK TIP: You can also attach the ToyToggle strap to your baby bag or handbag handle. This will allow you to carry an extra item, such as a baby toy, teething ring or car keys, even when your bag is full to the brim!


Toy Toggle is not a toy, use only with adult supervision, always attach on end of Toy Toggle to a fixed object such as a highchair or stroller.
Always attach a toy or bottle to opposite end.
Do not use in a crib, play yard or bed.

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